This is a short essay that I wrote on the life of trees.
I was not outside today but I love trees.
I love them in all their seasons.
in winter the majestic beauty of their outlines. no two the same, sort of
like snowflakes, yet each variety can have a similar pattern. this is my
favorite time, when they are getting ready for their "rebirth".
then comes spring, when their "blood" / sap starts coursing through
their "veins" / trunk and branches, and tiny buds of spring green leaves
start bursting forth creating an impressionistic painting of a tree.
after spring is the dark deep adult green of the mighty tree fully dressed
in its finest glory. lush large perfect leaves providing shade and homes
and food for so many other living creatures.
then finally comes autumn. the end of the cycle but also the most colorful.
a dreamy earthy wonderland of color. leaves of fiery red and orange and
yellow. leaves of dark yellow and light green. leaves falling off the life
providing and sustaining trees, creating a gorgeous and fantastic carpet
of color.
and finally losing their color and turning brown, the final leaves dropping
down and contributing to the nourishment of the surrounding earth.
to begin the cycle again.